2 piece cherrymate rivets US made

Cherrymate rivets made in USA Cherrymate rivets are a two piece, sandwich type fasteners. In order to use Cherrymate rivets you must have access to both sides of the application. Cherrymates are also called Rivetmates, by this US manufacturer. Unlike other sources, this manufacturer actually makes and stocks these two piece fasteners here in the US. Many…


Black Exploding rivets clamp tight

Black exploding rivets clamp tight with 1000 pounds power Black exploding rivets, made in USA by aDP Rivet have super powerful clamping strength to pull multiple sheets tight. These long black exploding rivets will grasp and pull materials up to 9/16″ thick. Unlike other brand of exploding or tri-folding rivets, these aluminum rivets peel from their extreme end rather than the…


Exploding peel rivets US made

Exploding peel rivets with extra long grip up to 9/16″ There are numerous import versions of exploding peel rivets, however, no other brand of exploding or tri-folding rivets can match this manufacturers performance. Especially their extra long working grip range up to 9/16″ thickness. There are a few unique features of these exploding peel rivets but the one which is most rewarding…


Exploding Rivets Improved by aDP Rivet, US manufacturer

Exploding rivets have been around for many years, without innovative improvements. Lets review the pros and cons when it comes to Exploding rivets.  First, lets review what Exploding rivets were designed to fasten, generally soft, and/or fragile materials like, thin plastic, soft rubber, balsa woods, flex form cardboard, temporary signs etc. The rivets soft aluminum…
