Exploding rivets have been around for many years, without innovative improvements. Lets review the pros and cons when it comes to Exploding rivets. First, lets review what Exploding rivets were designed to fasten, generally soft, and/or fragile materials like, thin plastic, soft rubber, balsa woods, flex form cardboard, temporary signs etc. The rivets soft aluminum could hold these soft, thin materials together as it was designed to do with it’s low alloy, low strength aluminum construction.
Other brand Pros: 1) Will fasten soft materials with it’s large secondary head formation on the back side of the application to hold a larger section of the soft material. 2) Will work in over-sized holes, without the need of “back up washers”. 3) Will work without needing access to the back or blind side of the application. 4) Will work with any functioning rivet setting tool and relatively easy to use.
Other brand Cons: 1) Not designed for durability as it’s soft, low alloy aluminum pedals often loosen and/or fail if application is exposed to movement, flexing or “metal working” conditions. 2) Safety issued are present due to its backside aluminum pedal edges which may cut hands, and/or snag rags. 3) Somewhat limited material thickness working range of the application. If used above or below it’s limited range, failure, and or increased safety issue may arrise. 4) The tri-folding pedals only contact three points of the application layers, leaving about 35% of the applications hole void of any fastening contact. 5) By it’s design, these rivets only pull from about half their length and have difficulty pulling multiple application layers together. 6) Even with increased pulling power, these rivets only clamp with three pedals and leave over 33% voids in the application hole resulting in less than optimum joint strength. 7) Typically EXPENSIVE, Higher costs rivets.
Enough of the Cons, aDP Rivet has improved the technology with it’s Exploding, Expanding Peel rivet. It’s design intent is to improve clamping power, durability, joint strength and extend the grip range to allow thicker, multiple layer applications to be riveted tight.
aDP Pros: 1) Explodes with it’s expanding peel action from it’s extreme back side length pulling multiple application layers tightly together with 1,000 pounds of power. 2) Completely fills over-sized holes, unlike the exploding tri-fold rivets, providing superior joint strength. 3) No back up washer is needed as it’s exploding, expanding peel action provides a wide backside form. 4) Works in many materials and will provide improved durability as it forms a solid joint without any voids. 5) Cost less than the “exploding tri-fold rivets” and provides greater durability. 6) Has at least twice the working range, (application thickness) than exploding rivets, thus providing more features and ease of use. 7) Made of High Alloy, high strength aluminum, which provides durability.
aDP Cons: 1) Backside shape has exposed aluminum pedals which may cut hands and snag rags. 2) May be too strong for soft plastics, or soft rubber, and the rivet nail may pull too tight.
Visit www.adprivet.com/exploding_rivets.html and the compare rivet page for more details.