ABA64 Silver Aluminum Rivets 3/16″ x 1/4″
Our ABA64 silver aluminum rivets, often referred to as pop or open end blind rivets are designed to be used in the following application conditions: 1) Hole Size: #11 drill size for 0.192 to 0.196 hole diameter 2)Grip range 1/8″ to 1/4″) = 0.125″ to 0.250″ for a #64 SIZE. The “Grip range” is the total thickness of the application materials to be fastened by the rivet. Our ABA64 silver aluminum rivets will perform best when used in the above conditions. If your application conditions are not exactly as above, don’t worry too much as our rivets are designed to allow for slightly less than optimum application conditions. We also can provide our Ultimate Multi-Grip family of rivets, which have additional features to allow applications to vary well beyond the above suggestions and still perform. Over-sized hole is no problem, Grip range varies below the recommended minimum is also not a problem for our Ultimate Multi-Grip rivets. These ABA64 silver aluminum rivets have a plain mill finish without any additional coatings such as paint or anodizing. They can be used to fasten a huge variety of applications and the finish can be buffed to a high luster shine if preferred. Galvanic corrosion should always be a concern when designing or riveting applications together. Galvanic corrosion problems should be solved by designing to avoid these problems in the first place. One of the basic solutions is to avoid dissimilar materials or metals being used to fasten or rivet the application together. If you are fastening aluminum sheets or panels to an aluminum frame, then use aluminum rivets to fasten the aluminum sheets to the aluminum frame. By keeping the basic materials the same, all aluminum, at the very least you are avoiding introducing dissimilar metals, which can lead to premature or galvanic corrosion. By using any of our all aluminum rivets, in this case our ABA64 silver aluminum rivets you can accomplish the goal of all aluminum components. In addition to keeping with the same base metals, by introducing coatings to the components, in this case our ABA64 silver aluminum rivets can also finished with a durable epoxy based painted finish. You are enhancing the resistance to galvanic corrosion due to the paint acting as an insulator between what ever it’s fastening. If you aluminum panels or sheets are also coated with a non-metallic paint it can act as an additional insulator layer.