Painted blind rivets for music case builders
Our Ultimate multi-grip Rivets outperform all other rivet brands per the owner of Hoffee Music Cases. Hoffee Music utilizes our 1/8″ and 3/16″ Ultimate multi-grip rivets with our Black semi-gloss painted finish.
Case builders of all types usually use rivets for attaching hardware, (hinges, locks, levers) to the case’s base materials. With the advent of composite, and carbon fiber construction materials, the “me too” rivets didn’t perform well and often required back up plates.
These back up plates installed on the back side give the rivet a solid surface for the upsetting process of the rivet, which provides the “pinch” that holds in place. The result is a “fairly” fastened hinge or hardware piece. Fair because when “me too” rivets only pinch on the backside washer and offer only fair clamping power. Due to this as the hinge, snap or hardware is utilized, the joint may loosen up or wear prematurely causing the hardware to fail.
That is why Hoffee Music, a custom case builder, came to aDP Rivet and our Ultimate Rivet. Follow this you tube link and see and hear from Jeff Hoffee. Custom and standard music cases utilize painted rivets as they provide a color matched finish. Music case painted rivets are one of many applications for painted rivets.